M.A.M.I. Privacy Policies...

We appreciate your business and value your privacy highly!!!
Please know that we do not collect information other than for order fulfillment 
purposes and do not share or sell any customer data for the purpose of marketing.
We take every possible measure to protect your privacy during and after your visit
to our website, whether shopping or just browsing.  
We strive to make your visiting experience as comfortable as possible, and are constantly 
 improving both our website and procedures. Bear with us through this 
process and feel free to question or comment on your visit. 
At MAMI-Matrix Publishing we guarantee your satisfaction and resolve any issues kindly.
Simply contact me with your feedback.

Thank you for your interest and support,
Rich Armstrong
President -CEO 
MAMI-Matrix Publishing L.L.C. - Box 34745 - 2970 Market St. - Phila, PA 19101-4745 - 215-833-0287 - E-mail: comments at mamimusic.com

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