C Major 7th, CM7, CMajor7, CMaj7 Arpeggio free lesson from MAMIMUSIC.com

C Major 7th, CM7, CMajor7, CMaj7 Arpeggio Music Scale Audio Files Piano Guitar Bass Chords Charts, M.A.M.I. Musical Scales Atlas page and more...

C Db . . E F . G Ab . . B
R b9 . . 3 4 . 5 b6 . . 7

This is derived from alterations to the Major Scale's
sixth and ninth degrees. Called the "Persian Gypsy"
its primary implication is CMaj7b9b13. Note that this
stack produces some unusual altered Lydian (Majb5)
sounds which are exciting and deserve some study.
We could logically select this scale to play through
from CMaj7b9b13 to its other degrees, like Db7#9b5.
Note the half steps and chords on each degree!

 Click the images below to see the instrument locations and hear the sound of this Music Scale! 

The C Major Arpeggio is the basic root 4 note subset of the C Major (Ionian) Scale.  

 Given that the C Major Scale (actually Ionian Major scales of all roots) are a staple element of composition in Western Music practically since the beginning of time, this is indeed an important group of notes to become familiar with.

Melodic composition and improvisation using these notes can be rewarding yet limiting since there are so few notes from which to choose. There is only one leading (minor 2nd or half-step) interval to provide tension in a line. Used over the parent Ionian Major scale these notes can emphasize the "major resolution" and quality of the composition or provide varying levels of tension in combination with it's other notes.  

Playing the notes of the C Major 7 Arpeggio simultaneously in chord form causes this interval combination to provides a stable, solid, bright and joyous element upon which many harmonic lines (and tunes) eventually resolve.  

Music books, diagrams, charts and links that are the solution for your musical scales, guitar chord chart, guitar scale, piano chord chart and online piano keyboard studies. We even have bass guitar chord books, bass guitar scale books, plus books for Band-in-a-Box
Click our free M.A.M.I. Musical Scale Atlas sample images below. Notice how our chord charts and music scale charts integrate the use of notes within the scale into arpeggios, chords and modes. This allows you to explore all musical options, fingerings, registers and positions on your instrument. Open up your mind and your fingers with M.A.M.I. Musical Scale Atlases! 

Free E-A-D-G-B-E guitar chord charts, music scales and more: click images and links...

Free D-A-D-G-A-D guitar chord charts, music scales and more: click images and links...

Click on the image below to hear the sound of this Music Scale! 
A free 20 page PDF book is also available about the MAMI Music Scale Atlas Concept...click here!
Check out our Flash video explaining the MAMI Music Scale Atlas Concept...click here!

Our Catalog of MAMI Musical Scales Atlases Books for your Instrument:

Free Piano Chords Charts, music scales and more...

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ADGCEA tuning free Alto Guitar Chords Charts, music scales and more...

EAbCEAbCE tuning 7 string free M3 Guitar Chord Charts, music scales and more...

Links to Musical Scales Audio Samples, Lessons, Free Downloads and more...

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